One person can not submit more than one abstract
- After reviewing the abstract the committee will
assign the abstract into Platform or Poster, and the same will be intimated to the submitter via
- Abstract must be submitted online on
- In case of difficulty, contact us at
- Abstract must be typed on the given field,
single-space in English using at least 10-point size font and should not exceed 250-300 Words.
- Authors should be listed by initials and surname.
Not more than 5 authors are to be included. In case more than 5 authors are mentioned the first five
will be taken.
- Tables and graphs can be included and will be
considered as 600 characters each. These Tables or Graphs need to be uploaded as a single image file
in supported format ( JPG, JPEG and PNG )
- Photographs / Images/ Other figure will not be
- Please proof read the abstract carefully for
factual and spelling errors. The spelling of names, the order of authors and the institute name will
appear in JAPI as submitted.
- The presenting author must be a registered delegate for the conference.
- Abstract must be submitted by 31st
December 2024
- A fee of INR 1,000 will apply from November 1 to November 30,2024 thereafter, a fee of INR 2,000 will apply till 15th December, thereafter a fee of INR 3,000 will apply till 31st December.
Abstract Category
- Endocrinology
- Diabetology
- Critical Care Medicine
- Cardiology
- Gastroenterology/Hepatology
- Infectious Diseases
- Neurology
- Rheumatology
- Hematology
- Oncology
- Nephrology
- Poisoning & Toxicology
- Pulmonology
- Geriatrics
- Obesity and metabolic disorders
- Clinical Pharmacology
There will be 2 categories for abstract submission namely
Short Paper Abstract will consist of the following subheadings
- Title
- Background
- Methodology
- Results
- Conclusion
Case Reports will consist of the following subheadings
- Introduction
- Case Description
- Conclusion