Dr. P. J. Mehta Oration : Dr. Vinod Ravindran, Calicut
Dr. G. S. Sainani Oration: Dr. Suresh Kumar, New Delhi
Dr. V. Parameshvara Life Time Achievement Awards (Two) : Dr. Pradyumn Sharma, Jaipur and Dr. Dr. Samar Banerjee, Kolkata
Dr. Siddharth Shah Award: Dr. Dheeraj Kapoor, Gurugram
Prof Rathinavelu Subramaniam Endowment Oration : Dr. Bhibuta Saha, Kolkata
Sanofi Aventis Senior Lecturership in Diabetes: Dr. Jayshree Swain, Cuttack
Dr. Coelho Memorial Lecturership in experimental medicine: Dr. Manoj Saluja, Kota.
Award Sessions:
Dr. D. P. Basu Young Award in Cardiology
E. Merck Award
Dr. J. N. Berry Memorial Award
Dr. M. J. Shah Memorial Award in Tropical Medicine There will be three award sessions at the 2025 Annual Conference of API at Kolkata.
The rules and regulations of these awards are as under:
Papers that are accepted for presentation in the Award Session at the Annual Conference will be divided subject-wise into four groups.
Group I : Cardiology : Dr. D.P. Basu Young Award
Group II : Diseases: Dr. E. Merck Award
Group III : Specialties: Dr. J.N. Berry Award
Group IV : Medicine: Dr. M.J. Shah Award
The award of Dr. J.N. Berry Memorial Award and E. Merck Award is given in alternate years in Group II and III papers. At the 2025 Annual Conference Dr. J. N. Berry Award for other specialities will be awarded.
Dr. D.P. Basu Young Award will be for Cardiology and Dr. M.J. Shah Memorial Award for Tropical Medicine.
Suggestions should be accompanied with eight copies of a brief Bio-data of the suggested name, so as to reach the API office not later than 31st July, 2023.
The competitor must be the first author of the paper submitted for presentation at the API sessions of the Annual Conference. A testimonial must be submitted from the Head of the Institution that the major work has been done by the competitor. Papers which are previously presented or published will not be considered. The competitor should also give a written pledge stating that the work has not been presented or published before. He / she should be a member of API.
Dr. D. P. Basu Awards are of ` 1,000/- each. Dr. J.N. Berry Memorial Award ` 2,000/- and Dr. M. J. Shah Memorial Award is of ` 2,500/-
The upper age limit of the competitor is 40 years (proof to be attached).
The decision will be taken by a panel of judges appointed by the Governing Body of API.
The candidate must apply for the award and full papers will be presented in separate award session.
Eight copies of full manuscript will have to be submitted to Dr. Jyotirmoy Pal, Chairman, Scientific Committee of APICON 2025, by 31st July, 2024. One copy of the paper should be sent to Dr. Agam Vora, Hon. General Secretary of API at Mumbai. Turf Estate # 6 & 7, Off Dr. E. Moses Road, Opp. Shakti Mills Compound, Near Mahalaxmi Station (West), Mumbai 400 011.
The decision of the panel of judges will be final and binding to all concerned.
Free Papers Sessions (Oral Presentation) / Dr. M. Vishwanathan Poster Presentation:
No submission fee upto 31st July 2024 ,then Rs 750 fee for submission by online payment only.
“APICON 2014 Ludhiana Original Paper Merit Awards”. The 15 best oral free papers and 10 best poster presentations will be given a cash award of Rs 15,000 each. The awards will be decided by a Panel of judges including the President API and the President Elect API during APICON 2025. The above awards will be presented during the award session to be held on 26th January 2025. 29
The scientific program will have
A.Didactic lectures on -
Clinical Medicine
Endocrinology and Metabolism
Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Clinical Pharmacology
Infections & Tropical Medicine
Critical Care
Hematology & Oncology
Women’s Health
Environmental Medicine
Medicolegal issues
Soft skills in clinical practice
Case based discussions
Panel discussions
Global Summit of International Speakers by Global Forum
Bangladesh (APB)
Nepal (SIMON)
Srilanka (SLCIM)
Mayo Clinic USA
Collaborative Sessions of API with other Societies /Associations
CIDS - Infectious disease
CSI - cardiology
ISA - Neurology
IHA - Hematology
IAN- Neurology
IAG- Geriatrics
ISG- Gastroenterology
ISN- Nephrology
RSSDI- Diabetology
IRA- Rheumatology
H. Sessions by PRF
Thesis Proposal competition –
Session on Art of Manuscript Preparation and Publication –
Under the JAPI Banner -2 hour slot
on ICMR Session
Sessions Research Methodology - PRF
UN Brahmachari Oration
I. Post graduate program
Short paper presentation - original studies to be presented as in other years
Case report presentation – Interesting case studies highlighting pattern recognition
Thesis Proposal Competition – The thesis preparation is an oft neglected task among PGTs( PRF)
Medi Quiz contest
Sessions Research Methodology - PRF
UN Brahmachari Oration
Image Spotter – Pictorial bonanza for spot diagnosis. To cultivate the power of Inspection
Spot the sign – Videos / photographs of classical clinical signs with discussions by a panel of experts
Medical Dumb Charades – A Novel session with pantomime depicting disorders or medical emergencies
PG Debate – The perspectives of young internists on controversial issues